Asfm Tech

Asfm Tech

How ANPR Software Support Police?

ANPR software refers to the Automatic Number Plate Recognition software. It is a group observation method which is used to read registration plates of vehicles through capturing of its image. For this purpose, OCR or Optical Character Recognition software is used. Although ANPR software is mainly useful in traffic applications, but its usefulness extends beyond that. It also supports police in multiple ways due to its unique working system.

ANPR Software helps police to identify vehicles known to be used by criminals- Since ANPR software is apt at capturing the images of the number plates of vehicles or videos of the vehicles passing through a certain point, therefore these help police in identification of vehicles which are known to be used by criminals. This software has all the components required to convert the image data into readable and searchable data and hence helps police to locate certain vehicles which are thought to be involved in criminal activities.

ANPR software helps police to interrupt the criminal activities by dislocating them through identification of suspicious vehicles- An ANPR software is capable of storing massive data related to vehicles in it. It includes registration numbers of vehicles, identification details of the owners of all vehicles moving in a city, state or nation and also the details of unregistered or unlicensed vehicles. All this information helps in locating vehicles which are used in criminal activities by matching the available data with already stored data. This in turn helps police to locate criminals and interfere with their heinous offensive activities which are being planned by them.

Mobile use of ANPR software- Since ANPR software is designed and developed in such a way that its associated components such as ANPR cameras can be used even in mobile condition as well, therefore it helps in keeping a check over small or even big offensive activities even at some remote or the busiest places as well. All this has been made possible with the help of this advanced technology of ANPR software which helps police patrol to control violation of laws n day to day life effectively.

Regulation of traffic rules by ANPR software- We more often come across the news of various road accidents occurring at busy roads or even on roads with proper traffic signals. It is due to ignorance and carelessness on the part of vehicle drivers. Presence of ANPR software and the related components such as ANPR cameras makes it obligatory for vehicle drivers to abide by driving rules. This in turn helps in prevention of road accidents which occur due to carelessness. It is due to the fact that vehicle drivers know that they are always under strict surveillance via ANPR software. So they have to oblige by the traffic rules to avoid any police cases. It is in a way helpful to police as less accidents occur and makes their duty somewhat easy.

Detection of unlicensed drivers and unregistered vehicles- To drive without a license or to drive a vehicle without vehicle registration mark or VRM is also an offense in the eyes of law. And police has to keep a check over this as well apart from controlling other criminal activities. ANPR software helps police in this regard as well. It helps in identification and detection of unlicensed drivers as well as unregistered vehicles readily by matching it with the data already stored in it

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